Sunday, March 21, 2010

TBGO Next Round Manual

Dear TBGO team,

Thanks for taking forward the annotations with passion. I am sure as a team you have done a fantastic piece of work and the world is noticing us. I have received mails from major databases asking whether we would be able to share the annotations with them, and I have put them on hold because I would like the annotations to be perfect before we release them.

The world have placed immense faith is us and hope we should be able to live up that .
As the excerpt from TriopIKA says:

..."And others believe that OSDD’s size, approach to mentorship and funding for wet experiments are all likely to help it succeed. As Berkeley’s Maurer puts it, if OSDD does not work, open-source drug discovery in general, may have to go back to the drawing board....."

This is the manual for the next round of annotations. We would basically do QC of the annotations and use literature information to see if we can improve the quality of annotations and the evidence codes.

Assignment timetable:
Start : March 21st
Deadline March 31st
Please note that we would need to keep this deadline. It would be difficult to extend the deadlines this time.

Some points:

If you find a new annotation based on literature, create a new row.

Team leaders and members should take utmost care in maintaining the quality of annotations. In the previous rounds, I have noticed some team members carelessly doing annotations without keeping in mind the importance of quality.

Please try to annotate/ do QC with literature evidence as much as possible. If you already have PDFs please upload them and share them in the reprints folder.(See manual)

Use the Google docs search feature to get to the reprint fast. You can use gene synonyms also apart from the RvIDs to get there .

The Manual:

We would be releasing a few more awards to attend C2D10 for a select few annotators who have performed extremely well in this round. Exciting talks and Prizes await you.

Best regards

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